The Big Celestial Events Not to Miss in 2017

We are in the midst of a New Year! In this new time we are free to leave behind the world-stage of 2016 and move forward into a period of high energetic potential. 2017 holds in store a number of exciting events upon its astrological horizon. If people are able to access the high energy of the cosmos during these celestial events, this energy may be channeled into individual or global transformation. This is why we at The Om Shoppe & Spa wanted to take a moment to inform our readers of a few significant celestial events coming up in 2017.

Easy Psychology Hack to Turn Your Inner Critic into an Inner Coach for 2017!

Often it can be very easy to get lost in or indulge negative thinking. In many cases it is the voice of our internal critic which inhibits us from pursuing our goals or expressing ourselves completely. The internal critic can be an especially powerful inhibitor when an individual is unaware of the voice of the internal critic or misperceives the critic as being beneficent in nature. We at The Om Shoppe & Spa are dedicated to introducing a sense of peace to our community, which is why we wanted to highlight a simple psychological technique that helps bring awareness to the inner critic so that it may be transformed into an inner coach.

The Common Threads of All Religions

In this day and age it seems that many individuals with a Western mindset have become dissociated from the deeper purpose of religion and spiritual practice. We at The Om Shoppe & Spa wanted to take a moment to remind everyone about the deeper purpose behind religion. It is a human tendency to focus on the easily accessible aspects of something, which may be why many people regard participation in religious rituals or observances as constituting religiousness. While this is an important part of it, it is important to consider the purpose of various religious rituals and observances.

A variety of religions with corresponding rituals, structures, and procedures have been developed throughout human history whose purpose it always is to connect people with the Source of or explanation for their creation: this is the primary theme and purpose of religion. Religion specialist Carla Rueckert defines three elements of this theme which constitute the common threads shared by all religions.

1.    Source or Explanation of Creation
Religion explains that there is a source or explanation of our creation in the universe. Religion provides a framework of meaning for individuals. The alternative attitude dictates that human life is meaningless as there is no higher purpose than survival. The religious perspective instead declares that there is a higher truth to things beyond what occurs on the surface level of everyday reality.
2.    Everyone Is From the Same Source
All religions explain that all humans come from the same creator or Source into this world. In addition, all people will return to the same Source after life. This Source is absolute and inexplicable in nature, being beyond the scope of human comprehension.
3.    Love Unites All
Religion serves to aid people in connecting with Source. Feelings of connection with Source are very powerful and correspond to feelings of love. Religious participation encourage feelings of connection with self, others, and Source. Love is a powerful thing which can heal, change an attitude, or cause a miracle.

            Religion is a beautiful tool for connecting with our orienting sense of meaning and purpose. Religious rituals, rites, holidays, and observances are all designed to evoke feelings of love and respect for the Source of existence. We at The OmShoppe & Spa wanted to share this with you because it is our mission to help bring a sense of awareness and connection into everyones' lives.

In order to help you achieve this sense of peace, we wanted to highlight a few trending products, perfect for reducing stress and encouraging deeper connection:

1. Any of our custom spa treatments are the perfect thing to help you relax and re-center yourself. In the deep relaxed states you enter during our treatments you will be able to experience deep connection with your life.
2. Or try some Spiritual Awakening essential oil! With Frankincense for stimulation and Sandalwood and Cedarwood for peacefulness and grounding, this synergy blend essential oil helps focus attention for meditation and spiritual connection.
3.Make sure you're comfy when trying to connect with Source! An easy way of doing this is with a Zafu meditation cushion, perfect for meditations, kneeling, or even back support. 

Have a safe and happy New Year, 
from The Om Shoppe & Spa!

3 Ways You Can Create a Positive Holiday Party!

We at The Om Shoppe & Spa understand that the holidays may be an especially stressful time of year. With all the hustling and bustling that goes about, we sometimes forget to focus on the positives of the holiday season. The reason we come together is to celebrate each other and express the gratitude we feel. This goal is best achieved from a place of groundedness and peace, which is why we wanted to take the time to give you some tips on 
how to create a positive, stress free holiday party.

Gift Giving 101: 3 Really Unique Gift Ideas

The holiday season is upon us! We know that gift giving can be a large part of the holiday hustle and bustle, especially when you aren’t sure what to get for a special someone. There’s really no reason that something as joyful as gift giving should turn into something stressful, which is why we at The Om Shoppe & Spa wanted to make your holidays shopping as blissful as possible by offering three unique gift ideas which will appeal to anyone.