3 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Accomplish Any Goal

We at The Om Shoppe and Spa make it our mission to make the lives of our clients simpler and easier. We understand that life can be incredibly difficult at times, but we also believe that the way we look at life’s challenges contributes to the quality of our lives. Often, a doubting attitude gets in the way of us achieving our goals. For this reason, this week we wanted to take a moment to highlight 3 ridiculously easy ways to reach any goal. If you follow these guiding principles you will find that you are able to accomplish anything you set your mind to!

5 Civil Liberties You Didn't Even Know You Had

We at The Om Shoppe & Spa think it’s a very important practice to be aware of the freedoms and liberties we possess. Such awareness cultivates the basis for incorporating appreciation and gratitude into our lives. In addition, being aware of the privileges we hold is an important way to honor, respect, and continue the legacy of those who have sacrificed for our freedoms. For this reason, we wanted to take some time this week to highlight 5 civil liberties  you might not know you had.

The Big Celestial Events Not to Miss in 2017

We are in the midst of a New Year! In this new time we are free to leave behind the world-stage of 2016 and move forward into a period of high energetic potential. 2017 holds in store a number of exciting events upon its astrological horizon. If people are able to access the high energy of the cosmos during these celestial events, this energy may be channeled into individual or global transformation. This is why we at The Om Shoppe & Spa wanted to take a moment to inform our readers of a few significant celestial events coming up in 2017.

Easy Psychology Hack to Turn Your Inner Critic into an Inner Coach for 2017!

Often it can be very easy to get lost in or indulge negative thinking. In many cases it is the voice of our internal critic which inhibits us from pursuing our goals or expressing ourselves completely. The internal critic can be an especially powerful inhibitor when an individual is unaware of the voice of the internal critic or misperceives the critic as being beneficent in nature. We at The Om Shoppe & Spa are dedicated to introducing a sense of peace to our community, which is why we wanted to highlight a simple psychological technique that helps bring awareness to the inner critic so that it may be transformed into an inner coach.

The Common Threads of All Religions

In this day and age it seems that many individuals with a Western mindset have become dissociated from the deeper purpose of religion and spiritual practice. We at The Om Shoppe & Spa wanted to take a moment to remind everyone about the deeper purpose behind religion. It is a human tendency to focus on the easily accessible aspects of something, which may be why many people regard participation in religious rituals or observances as constituting religiousness. While this is an important part of it, it is important to consider the purpose of various religious rituals and observances.

A variety of religions with corresponding rituals, structures, and procedures have been developed throughout human history whose purpose it always is to connect people with the Source of or explanation for their creation: this is the primary theme and purpose of religion. Religion specialist Carla Rueckert defines three elements of this theme which constitute the common threads shared by all religions.

1.    Source or Explanation of Creation
Religion explains that there is a source or explanation of our creation in the universe. Religion provides a framework of meaning for individuals. The alternative attitude dictates that human life is meaningless as there is no higher purpose than survival. The religious perspective instead declares that there is a higher truth to things beyond what occurs on the surface level of everyday reality.
2.    Everyone Is From the Same Source
All religions explain that all humans come from the same creator or Source into this world. In addition, all people will return to the same Source after life. This Source is absolute and inexplicable in nature, being beyond the scope of human comprehension.
3.    Love Unites All
Religion serves to aid people in connecting with Source. Feelings of connection with Source are very powerful and correspond to feelings of love. Religious participation encourage feelings of connection with self, others, and Source. Love is a powerful thing which can heal, change an attitude, or cause a miracle.

            Religion is a beautiful tool for connecting with our orienting sense of meaning and purpose. Religious rituals, rites, holidays, and observances are all designed to evoke feelings of love and respect for the Source of existence. We at The OmShoppe & Spa wanted to share this with you because it is our mission to help bring a sense of awareness and connection into everyones' lives.

In order to help you achieve this sense of peace, we wanted to highlight a few trending products, perfect for reducing stress and encouraging deeper connection:

1. Any of our custom spa treatments are the perfect thing to help you relax and re-center yourself. In the deep relaxed states you enter during our treatments you will be able to experience deep connection with your life.
2. Or try some Spiritual Awakening essential oil! With Frankincense for stimulation and Sandalwood and Cedarwood for peacefulness and grounding, this synergy blend essential oil helps focus attention for meditation and spiritual connection.
3.Make sure you're comfy when trying to connect with Source! An easy way of doing this is with a Zafu meditation cushion, perfect for meditations, kneeling, or even back support. 

Have a safe and happy New Year, 
from The Om Shoppe & Spa!

3 Ways You Can Create a Positive Holiday Party!

We at The Om Shoppe & Spa understand that the holidays may be an especially stressful time of year. With all the hustling and bustling that goes about, we sometimes forget to focus on the positives of the holiday season. The reason we come together is to celebrate each other and express the gratitude we feel. This goal is best achieved from a place of groundedness and peace, which is why we wanted to take the time to give you some tips on 
how to create a positive, stress free holiday party.

Gift Giving 101: 3 Really Unique Gift Ideas

The holiday season is upon us! We know that gift giving can be a large part of the holiday hustle and bustle, especially when you aren’t sure what to get for a special someone. There’s really no reason that something as joyful as gift giving should turn into something stressful, which is why we at The Om Shoppe & Spa wanted to make your holidays shopping as blissful as possible by offering three unique gift ideas which will appeal to anyone.

5 Ways You Can Benefit From Diffusing Essential Oils

If you’re interested in giving yourself a health boost without all the fuss, we at The Om Shoppe & Spa recommend diffusing essential oils! Diffusion is the process through which particles from a particular substance, through vibration, spread throughout a space. By utilizing one of our several diffusing devices, you can introduce the health benefits of an essential oil into any environment! We at The Om Shoppe & Spa wanted to share with you some ways you can use an aromatherapy diffuser to achieve maximum health.

Do You Know How Sound Healing Works?

Sound has long been recognized as an environmental element that can strongly influence the quality of life a space supports. Certain sounds like cooing, singing, or running water are natural and indicate safety and nature, whereas other sounds like slamming, cursing, or banging may find association with danger and uncertainty. Psychological studies have found that excessive sound can be stress inducing, as in the case of individuals living near highways, airports, or construction sites. At the same time, sound has been used as a tool for healing for thousands of years across many different cultures and civilizations. In order to understand how sound healing works, it is necessary to first understand what sound is.

What is Om?

We at The Om Shoppe & Spa are excited to announce that Saturday the 26th is the three year anniversary of our business! Part of the holiday season is showing your gratitude for all of life’s gifts, and we are so grateful to all of the supporters of The Om Shoppe & Spa. As part of our anniversary celebration, we wanted to take some time to explain the purpose of why we exist as a shoppe: to help bring you a sense of Om.

Do You Have an Attitude of Gratitude? 5 Things to do That'll Help You Say "Yes!"

The holiday season is all about expressing gratitude, but amidst the stress that accumulates during this sometimes stressful season, we sometimes forget to apply gratitude outside of the context of gift receiving. When we spend too much of our time overworking or abstain from practicing self-care, we lose the time and space for expressing gratitude. Even a small expression of gratitude has a powerful effect on mood, producing a bountiful sensation. That is why we’re explaining five minimal energy ways of introducing gratitude into your life

How to Make It Through a Stressful Holiday Season: 5 Tips

Spending time with your loved ones this holiday season? We at The Om Shoppe & Spa are reminded of a simple quote provided by the yoga sage B.K.S. Iyengar: “Think you’ve conquered the ego? Spend some time with your family and we’ll reapproach that question.” While family members are a source of joy and support, it is often difficult to remain composed when a family member expresses divergent political views or oversteps what you consider to be normal or appropriate. For this reason we wanted to offer some survival tips for dealing with disagreements over this holiday season.

Are you Aware of the Healing History of Halloween?

Typical symbols of Halloween
The history and meaning behind Halloween have long been concealed from public recognition due to the modern scientific-industrial zeitgeist that refutes the relevance of astrological influence. Many understand Halloween to be a modern interpretation of the reformed Celtic festival of Samhain, an ancient feasting celebration. However, throughout the northern hemisphere, Halloween-esque holidays have appeared cross-historically and cross-culturally for thousands of years in various forms during roughly the same time of year: at the midpoint between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice.

Explore Your Eternal Nature with Hypnotic Past Life Regression

A Hypnotic event is being made available at The Om Shoppe & Spa, and we wanted to dispel some myths about this often-misunderstood form of therapy.

Hypnosis is a phenomena often misrepresented by the media, being portrayed as a form of psychic penetration in which the recipient’s will is subsumed by the influence of the hypnotist. This is an inaccurate representation born from Hollywood’s love of exaggerating that which is misunderstood. Hypnosis is actually a far more common phenomenon than most people realize and always involves a self-induced trance state.

Is Salt Healthy?

Is salt healthy?

This question has been at the forefront of  nutritional controversy for decades in the Western world. On the one hand, salt is viewed as a life-sustaining mineral, something that animals naturally seek out in the wild. However, in recent decades, salt has become associated with an unhealthy diet, seen as something contributing towards hypertension, and heart disease. In order to better understand the nutritional nature of salt, it is first necessary to dissect what salt actually is.

Opal, Unlock the Inner Fire

Birthstones, also called natal stones, are gems whose vibrational potential is greater for individuals born during a cosmologically energetic time that corresponds to the energetic nature of the particular stones. Many people naturally feel a special attraction towards a birthstone associated with the month or astrological time period they were born into. Various traditions will proscribe different crystals as         your birthstone. In honor of the month of October we will be           highlighting one of our favorite birthstones: opal!

The Angels are With Us: Universal Positivity Explained

Across the span of history various names have been given to the mysterious forces of the universe acting upon the human level of reality. Some of these forces are arbitrary, such as the attraction of gravity or the polarity of magnetism, however, there exists a category of force which is non-arbitrary and in fact represents a mediating element between individual consciousness and the external universe. Throughout history, individuals with the highest intuitive abilities have been able to access and interpret this force for the benefit of others. Often, this force is interpreted in a historically specific way. In 4,000 BCE in India this force was enacted by the devas, in ancient Greece it was symbolized by the muses, and today this force is carried out by the guardian angels.

Celebrate the Change of Seasons!

As the seasons change, global energy dynamics shift concurrently.

Thursday September 22nd marks the day of the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. An equinox occurs as the Sun crosses the celestial equator, an imaginary line in the sky corresponding to the earth’s equator. In September, the Sun crosses the celestial equator, leaving the Northern Hemisphere and entering the Southern Hemisphere. The equinox is significant in that it indicates astrologically a change in the seasons: here is the mid-point between summer and winter, between the high and low points of the year.

Orgone and the Principles of Universal Life Energy

Many names have been given to the mysterious energetic force associated with vitality and life. Often, this force has been studied in relation to its boundary within the human body, as in the case of the early yogis and their knowledge of prana or the qi of ancient Chinese medicine. Not until the middle of the 20th century was a theory of life energy expanded to include a ubiquitous principle of universal life energy extending beyond the confines of any organism.

Amethyst: Purple Stone of Dreams

“An illusion is a static image, displaced in the stream of time, and for that reason is unreal.”

In this fast paced era of telecommunications and media messages, it is easy to fall sway to the subliminal patterning of mass minded marketing dynamics. With so much bombardment from external stimuli, it is important to distinguish the illusory from reality. Only an awareness and acceptance of the present moment can combat the illusory values of materialism, competition, and commercialism.  While the ubiquity of foreign values may seem overwhelming, tools exist to penetrate the illusions of the technology age. One such tool is amethyst crystal, whose properties are related to the third eye chakra and penetrating illusions.

Himalayan Salt is Pristine Salt

Salt has been a prized substance for thousands of years across different cultures and continents; however historical trends in salt consumption have been changing in recent decades. It has been theorized that during the Paleolithic era humans consumed far less salt than what is recommended today.  In the modern age, salt has become a household product which a majority of Americans consume more than twice the daily recommended value. Excess salt and sodium has been blamed for a variety of serious health conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, and stroke.

Electromagnetic Radiation: Invisible Threat of the Technology Age

The current global dynamic is an unprecedented one: never before has technology permeated society to such a degree. While the affordances technology offers in terms of communication and information are substantial, it is important to remain aware of the potential risks associated with technological immersion. One concern points to the influence of electromagnetic fields (EMFs), physical energetic fields produced by electrically charged objects.

Vitex: Aromatherapy Utilizing Women's Herb

A mature vitex shrub
The precursor to the modern system of pharmaceutical healthcare was based on traditional herbal medicine. As ancient nomads and hunter-gatherers began to settle in geographically regular locations they became familiar with the plants, herbs, and other natural forms of life endemic to those areas. Living so closely among nature resulted in the eventual discovery of the medicinal qualities of various plants. Particular plants were revered as being useful in the treatment of a variety of ailments. One such plant is vitex, a shrub native to Greece and Italy whose berries and leaves have been used in herbal medicine for over 2000 years.

Smudging: A Simple Way of Cleansing Energy

A white sage bundle smolders on a
heat resistant smudge plate
Negative energy accumulates just like dust in a house. This negativity may attach itself to a person being targeted by or generating the energy, an object, or even a location. When allowed to accumulate, negative energy manifests in the form of physical, mental, spiritual, and environmental dis-ease. To the unattuned eye this energy acts as a lurking vampire continuously consuming life-force energy, creating a draining atmospheric fugue. Energetically sensitive individuals may be especially prone to attract this negativity, however these individuals are also the best equipped to combat such energetic intrusions. The technique of smudging, a gift of Native American wisdom, is a simple and effective means of eliminating stagnant negative energy.

Crystal Healing Explained by the Law of Resonance

Humans have long sensed that crystals and unusual minerals hold an inherent uniqueness among objects of the physical earth-plane. For many, this uniqueness is based on an aesthetic appreciation for the colors, textures, sheens, and reflections crystals afford which are rarely found in nature in stable and durable formation.

Selenite: the Universal Harmonizer

Selenite is a crystal whose appearance appropriately indicates the energetic potential contained within its lattice structure. This crystal, named after the Greek moon goddess Selene is known for its ability to harness the soft, feminine power of the moon. Known for its white, transparent color, the glassy sheen of selenite is most reminiscent of a moonbeam stored in crystal form.

Zafu Cushions: Introduce Comfort into Your Meditation Routine

The oldest recorded system of meditation dates back almost 7000 years and is recorded among the holy books (Vedas) of the Hindu religion. The inspired poets (called rishis) responsible for these volumes attributed their insight regarding mythology, religion, and morality to a natural process of awakening that occurs following an intense commitment to meditation.

Chromotherapy: Let Colored Light into Your Life

The metaphysical properties of light have been apparent for thousands of years, as citizens of earlier civilizations would bathe in the sun for energy, warmth, and strength and the moon for serenity, coolness, and focus.

A Brief History of Incense

The burning of fragrant herbs, berries, roots, and resins for the purpose of ritual and holistic benefits has likely taken place cross-culturally and cross-historically since the invention of fire. Incense burning in its various forms emerged independently in the geographically isolated regions of the great river valley civilizations between 5500 and 2500 BCE. The most distinct lineage of incense making belongs to the Indus river valley, which is credited with having formulated the first unified and codified system of incense making, the earliest mention of which is found recorded in the Vedic texts of India dating back to 5000 BCE.

Shungite: The Healing Stone of the 21st Century

Shungite is a powerful black lustrous crystal found only in Russia. Mined in large deposits, Shungite is extracted from the ground in Karelia, an area near a small settlement called Shunga from where the crystal draws its name. Chemical tests conducted on shungite deposits have corroborated what local citizens of the Karelian area in Russia have known for hundreds of years: that shungite is a special stone with multidimensional properties.

Choosing a Crystal Singing Bowl

Singing bowls have been used for healing and meditation as far back as about 500 B.C. Singing bowls are thought to have been used by religious leaders in Tibet at that time, long before other religious practices came into the region.

The Source of Natural Salt Impacts its Health Benefits

Life would not be possible without salt. Your ability to think, remember and reason would be impaired. Your muscles would no longer work. Your heart would stop beating. 

Although salt sometimes gets blamed for many health ills, your salt's source can make all the difference. To understand the superiority of Himalayan gourmet salt, it helps to understand just how available salts are sourced.

The Glorious Benefits of Ginger Essential Oil

Whether you’ve diced it for your stir fry, minced it for your marinade or pressed it fresh for your morning juice, chances are you’ve enjoyed ginger in one form or another. Although you may have been busy focusing your energies on ginger’s spicy and distinctive taste, the odd-looking root rapidly went into action in your body to bring you a host of healthy benefits.

The same benefits can stand firm if you move ginger out of the kitchen and into your aromatherapy lineup with the use of organic ginger essential oil.

Crystal Singing Bowls for Balancing Your Seven Primary Chakras

The understanding of the seven primary chakras and their significance as energy centers in the body affecting physical, mental and emotional health, dates back as far as 1,000 B.C. One of the most effective ways of keeping your chakras in balance is the use of a meditation singing bowl. 

These bowls are known by many names--including singing crystal bowls, crystal singing bowls or crystal healing bowls--but all refer to special crystal bowls that, when struck or rubbed with a mallet, emit a note on the musical scale that corresponds to one of the primary chakras.

Essential Oils and Depression: Uplifting the Body, Mind and Soul

Depression may be a condition in your life, but with the help of pure essential oils, it certainly doesn’t have to be a way of life. 

Essential oils are becoming more well-known for their ability to promote overall health and wellness, producing an overall calmness and uplifting of the body, mind and spirit. That uplifting can apply to the heavy burden of depression when you choose essential oils that contain antidepressant properties.

Himalayan Salt Inhalers Can Have You Breathing Easier

While it is sad to consider, today's environment can be sickening to your respiratory health. It is no wonder there has been a rise in asthma among children, as well as increases in a whole host of respiratory ills.

The pharmaceutical companies are more than happy to provide consumers with a myriad of medications, all designed to bring relief of symptoms ranging from persistent cough to stuffiness to breathing difficulty. The only problem is, exposing your body to additional chemicals that bring with them all kinds of potential side effects has never been the best route to better health.